WEIGHT: 66 kg
Breast: Small
1 HOUR:130$
Overnight: +60$
Services: Massage professional, Watersports (Giving), Massage anti-stress, Massage, Moresomes
While you will see Vietnam hookers on your trip, be aware that prostitution is illegal in Vietnam. Even though the police turn a blind eye, you can end up in trouble. Especially if your date did not turn out as you planned and the police are called. If you want to meet normal Vietnamese girls and not pay for sex , check out this article. Also many hotels will not let you take a guest back to your room, hooker or a normal Hanoi girl.
There are an estimated 30, people working in the country as prostitutes, but as a conservative nation it is not renowned for sex tourism and many businesses frown upon it.
Vietnamese prostitute and the sex scene here is not as tourist friendly as Thailand or the Philippines. On the streets of Ho Chi Minh I was approached by Vietnamese escorts but they all seemed quite mean and forceful. I was in a beer bar and the next thing I know I hear a bottle of beer fling past my head.
They were not aiming for me but someone else and missed. My friend used an online site I cannot remember to hire a Vietnam escort. The people spoke very good English and sent him several photos of Vietnamese prostitutes to choose from. He said the Vietnamese women directly asked for the money up front which is normal when you use a Vietnam escort service.
As soon as he handed her the money her mood changed. My friend has lived in Asia for almost a decade and he said from the start it felt weird and not right. If you have tried any Vietnam escort services that you think are good then leave a comment below letting us know. When meeting escorts in Vietnam if they give off any bad energy, are rude or forceful in their messaging I would avoid meeting them. Vietnamese prostitutes freelancers mainly target tourists who are here for a short-stay and they are not bothered about the service they give but rather how much money they can get from you.