WEIGHT: 49 kg
Breast: 3
1 HOUR:80$
NIGHT: +60$
Sex services: Watersports (Giving), Domination (giving), Facial, Food Sex, Spanking
Unlike many other states, the laws in Nevada permit some forms of prostitution in certain counties if regulations are followed. Here are five things that you may not know about prostitution laws in Nevada. Just because prostitution can be legal in Nevada does not mean it is legal in all counties.
The prostitution laws in the state of Nevada comes with a number of requirements which need to be met before it can be considered legal. Prostitution is only legal in licensed brothels and condoms must be used. Prostitutes must be tested regularly for STIs and only counties with a population fewer than , are legally allowed to have sex workers.
This means that in popular tourist locations like Las Vegas, prostitution is illegal since the population there exceeds , As previously mentioned, sex workers need to have monthly medical examinations and be tested for diseases like HIV, syphilis, and other STIs. It is the responsibility of the sex worker to demonstrate to the Nevada state that they have passed their medical tests and are free from sexually transmitted diseases; otherwise, they will not be able to work legally as prostitutes.
To ensure there are no criminal affiliations with brothel businesses, a thorough background check is carried out on the people managing the brothel and where the source of money originates from. This is to prevent criminals from laundering money or using illegal funds to invest in this type of business. Only when the Nevada state is satisfied with the background checks are the brothels then given a license. Escorts can obtain a legal license to work in Las Vegas. The legal definition of their work is someone hired to accompany others in a private or public setting.
However, escorts are not allowed to advertise or offer sexual services. Moreover, they cannot engage in sexual activities with their customers for money. If caught, both the worker and client can be legally prosecuted. Although the legalization of prostitution in some counties of Nevada has meant that it is safer for both sex workers and clients due to strict regulations, there are still some issues with how the law affects certain groups.