WEIGHT: 54 kg
Bust: E
One HOUR:30$
NIGHT: +70$
Services: Sex vaginal, Extreme, Massage, Oral, Disabled Clients
Prostitution is illegal in Texas and is usually charged as a Class B misdemeanor. According to the Texas penal code, a person commits prostitution if, in exchange for a fee, the person knowingly engages or agrees to engage in sexual conduct. In other words, one may be charged with prostitution even if no sexual conduct has actually occurred.
This means money does not have to be exchanged for a charge of prostitution to arise. A prostitution charge can be very serious. If you have been accused of prostitution, it is important for you to establish contact with a distinguished defense lawyer as soon as you can. A Lubbock prostitution lawyer has the local experience to collect relevant evidence and witnesses before going to trial. Generally, a prostitution charge is a Class B misdemeanor.
If the police collected evidence during the course of a sting or undercover operation, an individual may have been subject to entrapment.
Entrapment is illegal and a Lubbock prostitution lawyer may argue that the police overstepped their authority by encouraging the commission of a crime. To show entrapment, a lawyer will attempt to prove that the police attempted to cause a crime to take place.
If an entrapment defense is successful, the charges may be reduced or dropped. Additionally, the law enforcement officers involved may be punished. An individual may have been compelled by another person to participate in prostitution under extreme duress. In this case, an attorney may argue that the charges should be thrown out. An individual may have participated in consensual sex without any intention for payment. If you have been arrested and accused of a crime related to prostitution, a local attorney can help.