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Let friends in your social network know what you are reading about. A Tallahassee woman is facing accusations she knowingly allowed and participated in the sex trafficking of a teenage girl. A link has been sent to your friend's email address. A link has been posted to your Facebook feed. Welcome to our new and improved comments , which are for subscribers only.
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If you see comments in violation of our community guidelines , please report them. Alesha Mcbride, 33, was arrested on a warrant Tuesday on charges of commercial human trafficking of a juvenile, deriving support from the prostitution of a child and child neglect. Trafficking in Tallahassee:. Tallahassee Police Department investigators say McBride on multiple occasions drove the girl, 14, to hotels with the knowledge that she would be having sex for money and then took part of the profits.
At times McBride would wait in the car for the girl to return or would pick her up at hotels at 2 or 3 a. The possibility that McBride was trafficking the girl was first investigated by the Florida Department of Children and Families in October. Two reports generated from conversations with the girl prompted investigators to get search warrants for social media and messaging programs.
They found evidence that the girl was engaging in sex for money and had discussed it with McBride in messages. The two had also discussed and engaged in drug use together, according to TPD. Share This Story! Tallahassee woman facing charges of trafficking teen girl A Tallahassee woman is facing accusations she knowingly allowed and participated in the sex trafficking of a teenage girl. Post to Facebook. Check out this story on tallahassee.