WEIGHT: 49 kg
Bust: Medium
One HOUR:80$
Overnight: +90$
Services: Role Play & Fantasy, Oral, Hand Relief, Strap On, Bondage
Nevada is the only state in the United States where prostitution is legal. Under current law, legalizing prostitution is at the option of the county, but this depends on the population of the county. As of May , only Clark County, which includes Las Vegas , exceeds this limit, with a population of 2 million as of Prostitution is also illegal in Washoe County, which includes Reno, along with Lincoln and Douglas counties and the independent city of Carson City , the capital of Nevada.
Prostitution is legal only at licensed and regulated brothels in counties that have allowed it. Registered prostitutes must be tested weekly for gonorrhea and chlamydia trachomatis and monthly for HIV and syphilis. Condoms must always be used. If a customer becomes infected with HIV after a sex worker tests positive, the brothel owner can be held liable. Streetwalking and other forms of sex for money are illegal everywhere in Nevada, just as it is in every other state. Brothels have existed in Nevada since the s.
For years, the locations of brothels were basically regulated by using public nuisance laws, enabling local authorities to shut them down when they managed to declare them as such. Both Reno and Las Vegas cleared out their red-light districts using this tactic. The infamous Joe Conforte, the former owner of the Mustang Ranch brothel in Storey County just east of Reno , persuaded county officials to pass an ordinance licensing brothels and prostitutes in , thus removing the threat of being shut down as a public nuisance, and unfettered legal prostitution in Nevada dates to that year.
State law has evolved to where it is now a county option whether or not to allow licensed brothels to operate. Incorporated cities within counties allowing prostitution can further regulate brothels or ban them if they so choose.
As of May , 12 of Nevada's 16 counties and one independent city allowed regulated and licensed brothels, even if there were no brothels in some of those counties. But state officials estimated in that there were 30, prostitutes in Las Vegas , where prostitution is illegal, reports the New York Daily News. Standley White. Tripsavvy's Editorial Guidelines. Share Pin Email. Was this page helpful? Thanks for letting us know! Tell us why! Read More.