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The dim-witted card dealer at the No. He can be easily distinguished by his large, bright-colored and ill-fitting hat, which he is never seen without. Stapleton is briefly installed as sheriff when the Number 10's owner, Tom Nuttall, began to fear that the camp was "leaving him behind" and asked Al Swearengen to set up his employee in a position of power. However, Stapleton quickly let himself be bribed by Tolliver to stir up anti-Chinese sentiment.
After murdering a Chinese resident of the camp without justification, he is stripped of his badge by an enraged Bullock. While Nuttall renounced him following the incident, Stapleton has remained in Tolliver's employ, often working with Leon, doing odd jobs such as security at the Bella Union and trashing Merrick's printing press. Leon, Cy Tolliver's general informant and lackey, is addicted to opium.
Formerly employed as a double agent to give Swearengen false information, he and the dope fiend Jimmy Irons robbed and murdered Mr. Wu's opium courier, leading to Jimmy being fed to Wu's pigs. Leon worked to incite anti-Chinese sentiment in the camp following this event, though more out of fear of Cy than anything else, and now serves as Tolliver's eyes around town. A card shark at Cy Tolliver's Bella Union saloon, Sawyer had worked with Tolliver for 17 years and was one of Cy's most reliable hands.
Community Showcase More. Follow TV Tropes. You need to login to do this. Get Known if you don't have an account. See Main Characters. Con Stapleton. Portrayed By: Peter Jason.
Cy: If those were your last words tell the Lord you died stupid. Eddie Sawyer. Tess Portrayed By: Parisse Boothe.