WEIGHT: 59 kg
Bust: 36
One HOUR:40$
NIGHT: +100$
Services: Moresomes, Travel Companion, Smoking (Fetish), Moresomes, Golden shower (out)
Prostitution is illegal in Thailand and still there are estimated , sex workers, if you include all the freelancers and sideline girls it gets close to a million. Here is the complete list of hookers in Thailand and how much they usually charge.
Keep in mind that for any of these types of girls you only have to pay them if you have talked about a price in advance. You sit in a go go bar and like a girl, smile at her and make her know she can come sit next to you. You talk a bit, at some point she will ask you for a lady drink or two and if you want to take her to your room you ask her for the bar fine and how much she wants.
Thai bar girls are normally no dancers but play pool in the bar or just hang around and try to sell drinks or stupid games that they are good in like Connect Four. Bar girls are a little bit cheaper than Go Go girls as the dancers have generally nicer curves.
There are more than a dozen of so called blow job bars both in Bangkok and Pattaya. Many of them look like normal beer bars and you can have drink first while making up your choice if you want one of the girls to suck you off either right in the bar, behind a curtain or upstairs in one of the small private rooms. You just walk down Sukhumvit Road from Terminal 21 shopping mall to Sukhumvit Soi 4 on the right hand side any day of the week from around 8pm and you will meet countless of street hookers that are asking you for short time straight away.
Similar to the promenade along Beach Road in Pattaya. This type of girl is often hard to identify as she hangs around in normal bars and clubs just like everyone else and clearly has no label that you can tell she is working. A soapy massage is significantly different from the normal massage salons as you get to spend two hours with a beautiful white skinned model-kind-of girl that gives you the full program. Sideline girls are like Giks with the difference that you pay them a fixed amount per month and can call them whenever you feel like.