WEIGHT: 61 kg
Breast: 2
One HOUR:200$
NIGHT: +80$
Services: For family couples, Tie & Tease, Tie & Tease, Golden shower (in), Fetish
Thai Freelancer Prostitutes and Girlfriends Profile of a Typical Prostitute Approximately two-thirds of farang-oriented prostitutes probably have nearly all of the following in common: Born and grew up in Isaan - the poor northeast Have the standard 6 years of government-funded education or less Has worked on a family rice farm during the planting and harvesting periods Previously worked in difficult and low wage jobs e.
They have a good time, and the farang has sex but often send them back home prematurely and opts off for other samples of the local flesh. Some guys try to make a bargirl into a girlfriend. The ones who are "successful" tended to get the lady within the first month or so of her entering the scene. After that, it's usually too late. The reasons for this are discussed later on this page. First, I'll simply list the most commonly heard complaints below. Problems with ex-prostitute girlfriends The problems usually reported with ex-prostitute or prostitute girlfriends are the following: Lazy -- don't do housework, cook for the husband, clean up after themself, etc.
Unfaithful Dishonest when it comes to where they are and what they're doing though often they are honest at first, then dishonest after the boyfriend expresses anger Habitually consume large sums of money compared to girls with no background in prostitution Over time, fail to acquire additional skills cooking, driving, business that could help in the relationship If sent to school, skip classes If asked to help with the farang's business, do less than the minimum of acceptability Irresponsible Successful relationships, especially in terms of faithfulness, often occur with Thai girls who are made girlfriends within the first month of entering the business.
Often, the boyfriend is the first or one of the first customers, and they spend some time in the scene before they get up the nerve to go with a man. Their first man is usually carefully selected. There are instinctual reasons that ladies tend to bond with the first man they have sex with or one of the first decent men.
It is generally said that a girl is not girlfriend or marriage material after she's been in the business from one to three months, unless, of course, you don't expect a monogamous or longterm relationship. While many people have concluded that prostitution changes a woman significantly, i. You have to also look at all the women who come into the business and leave it permanently within the first one to three months, leaving behind the ones who have psychologies which make them more inclined to take on prostitution as a way of life.