WEIGHT: 50 kg
Breast: DD
One HOUR:60$
Overnight: +30$
Services: Oral, Striptease, Mistress, Food Sex, Lesbi-show hard
I think this is really important work. Sometimes handicapped clients are brought here by their families β Angelina.
Prostitution has been legal in Geneva since Sexual services may be sold between two consenting adults and is considered an independent economic activity. Coercion is illegal and cracked down on by the police. Sex workers register as self-employed and pay taxes on their earnings to the State. Prostitution is still considered contrary to good morals by the Supreme Court and bureaucracy can make life difficult for sex workers.
The numbers have risen over the past years due to the deterioration of the economic situation, the higher prices in Switzerland and the clamp down on prostitution in countries such as France.
These photographs and the accompanying quotes were captured from spending time with sex workers in Geneva over the period of two months in Real names are not used. Energy Poverty.
To Promote Works From Artists,. Photo Curator. Photography Articles. Book Promotion. Edge of Humanity Magazine is an independent nondiscriminatory platform that has no religious, political, financial, or social affiliations.