WEIGHT: 48 kg
Bust: 3
One HOUR:200$
Overnight: +70$
Services: Extreme, Massage Thai, Deep throating, Disabled Clients, For family couples
Show simple item record. JavaScript is disabled for your browser. Some features of this site may not work without it. Show simple item record Landscape of commercial sex before the Vancouver Winter Games dc. Such issues as displacement, safety concerns and financial cuts to social services have contributed to the problematisation of the overlap between mega-event spaces and commercial sex spaces.
This fuels the culture of social and physical marginalisation experienced by sex workers and perpetuates the stigma associated with commercial sex. The different approaches that destination cities have implemented to address these aspects of the urban environment reflect the gendered geographies of sex work. This research focuses on the landscape of the sex industries in Vancouver in an effort to illustrate the implications that the preparations for the Olympic and Paralympic Games had on these particular communities.
There is scope from the findings of this research to inform events-related social policies with regard to commercial sex, especially as more and more cities and countries bid for and host large-scale events. The cultural study of commercial sex. Sexualities, 8 5 , Sex at the margins: Migration, labour markets and the rescue industry. New York: Zed Books. Aitchison, C. New cultural geographies: The spatiality of leisure, gender and sexuality.
Leisure Studies, 18 1 , Gender and leisure: Social and cultural perspectives. London: Routledge. Barnes, T. Situating the new economy: Contingencies of regeneration and dislocation in Vancouver's inner city. Urban Studies, 46 , Bell, D. Mapping desires: Geographies of sexualities. Femininity as a city marketing strategy: Gender bending Rotterdam. Urban Studies, 49 1 , Bird, R. Urban Forum, 20 1 , Black, D. The Olympic Games, human rights and democratisation: Lessons from Seoul and implications for Beijing.
Third World Quarterly, 25 7 , Boyle, P. Civil cities and urban governance: Regulating disorder for the Vancouver Winter Olympics. Urban Studies, 48 15 , Braun, V. Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 3 2 , Chalkey, B. Urban development through hosting international events: A history of the Olympic Games. Planning Perspectives, 14, Church, S.