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Online at vegstudies. Search results in Philosophers Index www. Good starting points for research: Ruby, Matthew Research Review: Vegetarianism.
A blossoming field of study. Appetite ; Puskar-Pasewicz, Margaret A. Cultural Encyclopedia of Vegetarianism. Aaltola, Elisa Basingstoke, Hampshire, Palgrave Macmillan. Aaltola, Elisa The Philosophy behind the movement. Animal studies versus Animal Rights. Society and Animals Adams, Carol J. Finding necrophilia in meat eating. Mary Daly's evolving FemVeg perspective. Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 28 2 : The Sexual Politics of Meat. A Feminist- Vegetarian Critical Theory.
Second Edition , 20th Anniversary Edition New York, NY, Continuum. Albala, Ken ed. Oxford, Routledge. Albala, Ken Gastronomica 2 3 : Albu, Mihai Revista Romana de Sociologie 10 : Aleksic, Jelena Ideology of Food. Carnivorous vs Vegetarian. Teorija in Praksa - Ljubljana 38 2 : Alewaeters, K. Cross-sectional analysis of BMI and some lifestyle variables in Flemish vegetarians compared with non-vegetarians.
Ergonomics 48 : Allen, Michael W. Journal of Consumer Research 35 2 : Manipulating the symbolic meaning of meat to encourage greater acceptance of fruits and vegetables and less proclivity for red and white meat.
Appetite Values and Beliefs of Vegetarians and Omnivores. The Journal of Social Psychology 4 : Allhoff, Fritz ed. Malden, MA, Blackwell. Almassi, Ben The Consequences of Individual Consumption. Journal of Applied Philosophy 28 4 : Amato, Paul R. The New Vegetarians. Promoting Health and Protecting Life. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition Sixth International Congress on Vegetarian Nutrition.