WEIGHT: 66 kg
Bust: Medium
One HOUR:60$
NIGHT: +60$
Sex services: Domination (giving), Watersports (Giving), Photo / Video rec, Fetish, Blow ride
Bruxelles, the capital of Belgium, is famous for its rich nightlife that involves all kinds of entertainment β including the popular escort Bruxelless and brothels.
In fact, there are entire districts dedicated to the so-called window prostitution and you can pick the prostitute you like best right there on the spot. However, it is important to know that escort Bruxelless are not the same thing as prostitutes and if you want a high-quality experience, we would recommend you to choose one of the high-class escorts instead of the prostitutes you can find all over the town. But what is the difference between escorts and prostitutes? First of all, you have to understand that not all escorts offer sexual services.
Granted, the majority does indeed perform sexual acts for money, but just to be sure that sex is included in the service you are paying for, you should ask for full companionship. Aside from sex, the top escorts in Bruxelles are also great companions. All escorts employed by reputable escort agencies are classy and smart ladies who are more than capable of engaging in meaningful conversations and they are often hired to accompany businessmen on their business trips.
The prostitutes, on the other hand, simply offer sexual services in exchange for money and you can usually tell the difference between the two by merely looking at them. If you saw an escort and a prostitute side by side, an escort would be dressed casually and nobody would be able to tell that she is there to provide sexual services to a client. For example, if you invited an escort to meet you in your hotel room, nobody in the hotel lobby would know why she came because she would blend right in with the other guests.
Another big difference is the fact that while you can simply pick up a prostitute off the street, you actually have to make an appointment with an escort in order to meet her.