WEIGHT: 67 kg
Bust: 3
One HOUR:30$
Overnight: +60$
Services: Tie & Tease, Gangbang / Orgy, Sub Games, Lesbi-show hard, Fisting vaginal
Prostitution can be classified according to modus operandi and gender and age of providers. In their comprehensive review of studies on prostitution, Harcourt and Donovan identified 25 different modi operandi of commercial sex work in more than 15 countries.
In their typology, they identified the name of the activity, how clients are solicited and where they are serviced, and in what world regions certain activities are prevalent. Among the more prominent modi operandi for sex work are street, brothel, and escort prostitution.
Street prostitution is the mode where clients are solicited on the street, in parks, or in other public places and are serviced in side streets, vehicles, or short-stay premises. Street prostitution is widespread, particularly in societies where alternative work sites are unavailable e. Brothel prostitution is the mode where certain premises are explicitly dedicated to providing sex.
Usually, brothel prostitution has better security provisions accorded to sex workers than street prostitution. Brothels are often licensed by authorities. Escort prostitution is the mode where clients contact sex workers by phone or via the hotel staff. This is the most covert form of sex work. It is relatively expensive because of low client turnover i.
This mode of prostitution is ubiquitous. Other modes documented by Harcourt and Donovan are culturally bound and unique to certain countries. Also, in some Japanese cities, a popular mode is the geisha. These are women engaged primarily to provide social company, but sex may ensue. Harcourt and Donovan also found that policing of sex work can change the modus operandi and location of prostitution, but rarely its prevalence.