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Greg Fitzsimmons is an American stand-up comedian. Download Audio. This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed. Hey freaks sapling friends! People offended by freak you too training, fucks going on, don't say, training.
You know how to say that anymore. That's the new one to remove training trains. Bad now. I have right now is very dangerous. You removed to make a tranny also, Oh you, son of a bitch.
You rearrange you free, that's right, so that anymore, transgender, you recycle. Even if you love french gender people in love, say that, like even if you have some but love in your heart trainees out now defensive. I'll never be able to embrace it. I accept it and I honor it, but I fucking it does not at me my head can't wrapped around you know you had: can reverend Gregg for its own legal zoom that God?
Let me tell you kid if you ever have had to do anything legal involving like saying like setting up a corporation. It's kind of a me ass? You are your office, pay them. Do it a lot of money? Cost me a ton of money yeah. Well, you can do it on legal zoom for ninety nine bucks, they'll talk you through it. If you run into troubles, they can connect you with an independent attorney.
If you need additional, it's independent attorney. So if you get to one of those situations where you're like you know what I think I might be fucked and you're looking at all you've created and you're like, I don't think this is legal.