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Login Remember me. Forgot your password? Forgot your username? Continue Reading. I based most of these flags on basic templates posted by Bluebear Jeff long ago on his Saxe-Bearstein blog search his blog for "flags" or go directly to the flag templates post.
Thanks Jeff! Heraldry and other embellishements added by me. Planet Diecast. Top Blogs Blogs are sorted by popularity, calculated on the total number of hits received. The number in brackets represents the total number of posts the blogger has made to date. Register Free Unlock all Features. Syndicated Blogs. Jun Ok, didn't look like alot of people payed any attention to my 54mm stuff. So here is a freshly painted von bose regiment for my AWI project.
While I was painting my western figs I got the foundry painting guide. So I decided to try and paint these guys after the 3 color method. It ended up with a mix of the two color and three color method.
They turned out ok, the faces are still very simple, but the straps are nice I still havn't found just the right mix of gray to white. Just a quick update this morning, with some local and international items of interest to go with that "Egad, it's Monday" cup of coffee. We'll be back with more soon! This follows the very well received Viking diesel locomotive which appeared last November. County Donegal and Isle of Man aficionados will be particularly pleased with the choice of prototype, the Isle of Man Railcar: The prototype for this diesel powered passenger mover was built in by Walker Brothers , and ran in Ireland's County Donegal before being sold to the Isle of Man Railway in , where today it awaits full restoration.
Even more intriguing, when pressed, Accucraft representatives stated that altogether new, and prototypically correct SP narrow gauge cars were in consideration, and not just repaints from the current AMS catalog!