WEIGHT: 50 kg
Breast: 2
1 HOUR:90$
NIGHT: +100$
Services: 'A' Levels, Foot Worship, Striptease, Swinging, Soft domination
Published: December 2, Tess Richey vanished after a night out with a friend in the Village early on Saturday, Nov. And the Toronto Sun has learned that Tess Richey, whose death was initially thought to be misadventure on the eve of her 23rd birthday, also worked as an escort.
Graham Gibson said in a statement released late Friday. Richey reportedly went out late last Fri. The pair then reportedly hung out with another woman and a man on the porch of a home near Church and Wellesley Sts. Her family reportedly determined her last known location was Church and Wellesley Sts.
A missing person sign for Tess Richey is seen across the street from the building at Church and Dundonald Sts. Her sisters took to Facebook, posting photos of Richey and appealing for help finding her. A citizen found Richey dead at an abandoned home at Church St.
Wednesday and 51 Division officers were called in. A building at Church and Dundonald Sts. Sources say none of her property was missing and it was thought at the time that she fell down some stairs drunk. According to a well placed source, investigators are exploring the possibility she advertised her services on multiple adult sites and also worked part-time as a waitress at a popular downtown strip club.
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