WEIGHT: 58 kg
Bust: C
1 HOUR:40$
NIGHT: +90$
Services: BDSM, Strap On, Receiving Oral, Cum in mouth, Massage Thai
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Jfdfi 3 4. V ffl 1 ff. John T. They guide, advise, and programme each Centralite. Winters, Mr. Donald B. Q QQ' AH.. Glavan, Mr. Joe B. Ronald B. A-J '. VY 1 y ,wa. Virginia B. Harold B. Don B. John B. Miss Dorothy B. Sidney B. Earl B. University of Colorado Imes, Mr. Robert A. Dale B. RK' Brian, Mrs. Elaine B. Kay B. Kenneth B. Marjorie A. Mary's Seminary Jr.
College B. Dan B. Ron Smith Mr. Joe Glavan Pictured on opposite page. Ray B. Baldwin-W'allace College Martinez. Dan M. Colorado State College Math B. Edward Winters, Mr. Frank B. Glen Cooley, Miss Mary B. Miss Sally M.
VVilliam Lloyd, Mr. Thomas B. X9 W'. Vernice B. Lucille B. Susan A. David B. Robert B. John Armstrong' Bard, Mr. Eugene B. Halsey B. Loren B. Polly r Ona van uc XTB. Vernon Panel Bailey, Mr. Richard B. Carrie AB. St' Bffnedlcts B. William B. Julius B. Loren A. Colorado State College B.. Ray Miller. Ida Valdez. Miss Evelyn Fuarcl. Paul Haniiltun. Jeannie Snyder. Larry Tuc-ker. Top panel, left to right: Adena Starr. Jack England. Kent Smith, Diane Stringer. Leunzird Berunien. Buttoni panel, left to right: Seated: Beverly Mellichael, I.
Jeannie Snyd- e1', Funrzxd Kern, l'z1tJeff1'ies. Standing: Vic Keen, Paul Hamiltun. Ida Valdez, X7ll'Q. Z'lZll69 Cochran. I if 5 Si ffl x6,, Ii-' Roll Room Congress in Action Meeting the needs of the students is one of the big jobs with which roll room congress representatives are confronted. These meetings are very important as they are the stepping stones between Student Council and the students.