WEIGHT: 58 kg
Breast: E
One HOUR:100$
NIGHT: +100$
Sex services: Sex lesbian, Sex lesbian, Cross Dressing, BDSM (receiving), Sub Games
The man who was expelled from Norway on Sunday afternoon , explained the police that he has sold sexual services in Trondheim, Kristiansand and Oslo. He was also in town several times earlier this year. The police then tried to look for the man but did not find him. This time, they found him on the day he came to Haugesund as a result of tips. The man was expelled pursuant to the Immigration Act because he had stated to be a tourist in Norway, which was not probable.
They also found HIV meds, which the man said he took. In front of his customers and in advertisements on websites, the man, according to the police, has clearly stated that he is a man dressed as a lady. In Norway it is not punishable to sell sex, but you can be punished when you infect others with HIV. She believes the police could have solved the case with a quick telephone to an infection doctor, who could have stated that the man hardly constituted any contagious danger. This is a person HivNorge has not talked to.
Our decision to expel the man is based on various factors. He states that the HIV-infected man named one person who should have been a former customer. The police have reportedly inquired about the case in Haugesund. But as I told him, no condom is any guarantee. According to the website he had, he offers services where the risk of infection is imminent, says Gjil. Dette er en person HivNorge ikke har snakket med. Politiet har varslet Smittevernlegen i Haugesund generelt om saken.
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If you need medical advice, please contact your healthcare provider. While we try to ensure that all of the information we provide is correct and up-to-date, we cannot guarantee accuracy. Please also note that some of the information on this site is general and global. You may have to adapt it to your circumstances. Police drops case of HIV-positive sexworker after deportation December 13, Google Translation - For original article, scroll down. It believes the HivNorge interest organization is completely behind goals.