WEIGHT: 61 kg
Breast: A
One HOUR:30$
Overnight: +60$
Sex services: Hand Relief, Fetish, Massage Thai, Dinner Dates, Domination (giving)
As a church we honor these stages with ritual and ceremony. Baptisms only happen within worship services and are available, to all whether a member or not. If you would like to have your child baptized, please email Kate Nintcheu children oldsouth.
If you are an adult seeking baptism, please reach out to Rev. Ashley Popperson at ashley oldsouth. Communion is celebrated throughout the year. On Communion Sundays, worshipers are invited to prepare a simple communion of bread and juice, wine, or water.
To learn more about how we celebrate Communion online, click here. Communion is always open to all who wish to receive it. We do this to remember the meal shared between Christ and the disciples. Every other year we invite the 7th and 8th grade students into a year long journey of learning and discernment. As we learn about faith communities in general, and this faith community specifically, they are challenged to answer the question: is this the faith I claim for myself?
At the end of our confirmation classes, students are invited to join Old South Church as a member through the rite of confirmation. Contact children oldsouth. Will you join us? Do you dare? Online info sessions and joining are happening! Contact ashley oldsouth. We believe in weddings, in love, and in the brave vows of marriage! Our gorgeous building elaborately ornamented sanctuary, or our simple stone chapel might be what you have been looking for.
In keeping with our values of inclusivity, we welcome all: straight, gay, inter-religious, non-believers, marrying for the first time or another time around — we are happy to help you make your commitment to each other.