WEIGHT: 64 kg
Breast: 2
One HOUR:120$
Overnight: +50$
Services: BDSM, Oral Without (at discretion), Cum in mouth, Tantric, Hand Relief
Prostitution in the Netherlands is legal and regulated. Operating a brothel is also legal. De Wallen , the largest and best-known Red-light district in Amsterdam , is a destination for international sex tourism.
During the Middle Ages , prostitution was tolerated. Many cities tolerated prostitution to protect non-prostitute female citizens from rape and defilement. There were, however, a number of conditions imposed on prostitutes and their clients.
Prostitutes were not allowed to be married. Still, prostitution was considered a dishonorable profession. Prostitutes were not expected to conform to sexual rules , and were not protected by the law.
The concept of "honor" was very important in early modern Dutch society. Honor had social significance, but it also had legal ramifications. Until the late sixteenth century honor, aside from citizenship, was the most important criterion for the stratification of society. Despite the fact that prostitution was seen as indispensable, city governments tried to separate "dishonorable" prostitution from the honorable world. Later, city governments tried to reserve certain areas of the city for prostitution.
Prostitution businesses were driven to the streets and alleys near the city walls. During the sixteenth century, attitudes about sexuality changed under the influence of the Spanish occupation and rising Protestantism. Sexual activities were only tolerated within marriage.