WEIGHT: 47 kg
Bust: AA
One HOUR:120$
Overnight: +50$
Sex services: 'A' Levels, French Kissing, Anal Play, Slave, Naturism/Nudism
Kachiry Prostitute in temple girls were expected to entertain their patrons with dance and music. Besides this they also performed certain assigned duties. They sometimes acted as priestesses for a few castes especially the lower ones who were not permitted by tradition to have priests of their own.
In AD a gift was made to a woman for waving the chamar at the time of Chandanalagi in Simhachalam temple.
Among the various services rendered by these dancing girls they were also assigned duties of decorating the floor with various designs of coloured powders. A provision was made by the wife of Suresvarajiyana in AD for the maintenance of Kachiry Prostitute in who decorated the floor with Pijijiapan Sluts contact in before the deity at Simhachalam. D speaks of the appointment of a woman before the god with kolamu or colored designs once a week.
The temple Kachiry Prostitute in therefore performed a variety of duties. They were in charge of maintaining temple properties, supervising grants or other endowments of the temple, mobilising temple resources, through leasing out lands and cattle, and performing various tasks connected with the day to day running of the temple.
Many a times temple girls were Kachiry Prostitute in to sing these sanskritanas. In AD Kachiry Prostitute in Naramsimha Bharati made provision for keeping two flurist and eight women Kachiry Prostitute in to form two batches which did the sanskritanam at the time of the dhupa in the Simhachalam temple.