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To browse Academia. ORA In this chapter the question of the role and function of foreign women in the book of Proverbs is asked. It identifies distinct stereotypes in the depiction of women and shows how foreign women have been stereotyped and stigmatized. It raises and answers the question how the vocabulary already stigmatized people by generalisation and subversive allusions. It looks into the function of how composite figures serve as contrasting views of social groups and stigmatize foreign women as evil and deceiving.
Looking into the history of Israel, it is analysed how in a socioeconomic reading the influence of Phoenician trade changed the view of foreigners. Due to Phoenician economic success the Phoenician woman-trader served as a role model for Israelite marriageable women.
Therefore, the different religious backgrounds, leading to discrimination in other parts of the books, are led aside for the reason of economic success and the role-model becomes a faithful Israelite.
This study makes a unique contributes to academic research by showing the ambivalence and prejudice towards foreignness. It points out the discrimination of women by overstating and misrepresenting their status and analyses the reasons. Words are not enough to express my utmost gratitude to all of those who have made this research a possibility and success. First and foremost, this work is dedicated with love and esteem to my husband, Laurence. All that I have achieved in this research is incomparable to the depth of love and commitment I have found in you.
Your ever-encouraging words via the long-distance telephone calls and e-mails have never run dry and weary, and they have been a continual source of courage and confidence for me to persevere. There are many family members and friends from all over the world to thank for their kind and generous support in so many ways.