WEIGHT: 57 kg
Breast: A
1 HOUR:250$
NIGHT: +70$
Sex services: Sex oral without condom, Rimming (receiving), Sex lesbian, Sub Games, Ass licking
Rome Sex Guide advises where to find sex , working girls , prostitution , street hookers , brothels , red-light districts , sex shops , prostitutes , erotic massage parlors , strip clubs and escorts in Rome , Italy. Rome has plentiful prostitutes of all price ranges. Unlike, other European countries street walkers are the most popular. While proportionally the more expensive escorts and in-house sex workers are in steady decline number wise.
However the presence of large numbers of street prostitutes in suburban areas, has caused protests from Romans living there. Rome's top security official suggested the city needs a Red-light district to keep prostitutes off the residential streets, because there has been so many complaints about prostitutes working the streets of the Italian capital.
The large presence of street walkers compared to indoor sex workers, is the most distinctive feature of Italy 's sex industry compared to other European countries. In no other European country can you see so many street prostitutes as you see in Italy.
Partly it's caused by it's mild Mediterranean climate, which more easily permits any kind of outdoor activity. Also, due to it's confused and contradictory laws which while officially permissive, have so many restrictions, that Italy gets the worse consequence, of both permissive and repressive prostitution laws.
In the Roman newspaper La Repubblica, Serra ex Police chief suggested a district like those Hamburg and Amsterdam "where one can exercise the world's oldest profession without disturbing the citizens. Now in this idea of the red-light district in Rome is completely put on the side and politicians say it was only an idea that was discussed at the time.