WEIGHT: 66 kg
Bust: A
One HOUR:80$
Overnight: +40$
Sex services: Food Sex, Massage prostate, Sauna / Bath Houses, Travel Companion, BDSM
His tours, which last about hours, are given in either Hebrew or English. A few weeks ago, I joined a group from a kibbutz on the tour. It started with a taste of sweet Jerusalem kugel and potato kugel at Muchan Umezuman deli. In between food stops we heard stories about local fashion, shidduchim, family life, and education. One of the highlights was a visit to the home of Rabbi Yehoshua Rokeach, current Machnovka Rebbe of Bnei Brak, where his wife Chagit told us about her life, and the life of the community, and showed us around her kitchen.
The tour ended at 11 p. The huge kiosk offers much more than sweets, drinks and cigarettes; there you can buy take-away kugel and bilkas sweet rolls , and bags of popcorn and cholent. The streets were full of young mothers with baby strollers, as well as young men eating cholent from plastic bowls. There are many places you can get cholent on a Thursday night—restaurants, take-out places for Shabbat and also improvised places that bring a cooler for drinks and two giants pots of cholent and stay open really late, until the cholent is done.
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