WEIGHT: 66 kg
Bust: 36
1 HOUR:100$
NIGHT: +70$
Services: Humiliation (giving), Sex oral in condom, Watersports (Giving), Striptease amateur, Massage prostate
Amnon Meranda. Oh NO!! What will the Haredi men do if it's passed!! They frequent prostitutes just as much as secular men. If Shas proposed this bill instead of Meretz This is coercion! Whoops, sorry about that outburst. I forgot that Shas was not the one proposing this bill. That makes it okay then since it is Meretz proposing it. Sex ads a crime; genocide okay. You can talk all day about your rotten little laws; on the big questions Israel stinks.
What about political prostitution? Kol Hakavod. This bill is long overdue. Let's hope it passes and is actually enforced.
Right on 3! She's jealous! She's taking her vengeance against those pretty Israeli girls who have more to offer than she does. Trying to make these adverts illegal, like Shas trying to make porn harder to view on the internet here will only create greater demand for such things. Tell us something is allowed and we don't want it, tell us something is forbidden and then it becomes more attractive. Why not ban alcohol at the same time?
Shas and Meretz are run by two social clubs I am not a member. Two ill fitted utopian parites seeking to fulfill their own distorted dreams. Gal-on must really be either a lesbian or a damn idiot proposing laws against sex advertiseing. It is the oldest profession in the world. It is the most profitable to millions.
What will she do to employ all the streetwalkers,prostitutes,cortisans,youth partners etc. Let them starve because she is womans lib?? Gal-on must find something better to keep herself occupied and busy. Much like Hamas and the Israeli Far Right agree on certain things like the opposition to anything that might mean compromise for peace , so do the morality police of Shas and the the morality police of Meretz join up. Next Meretz will be supporting gender-segregated buses too, "to protect women.