WEIGHT: 51 kg
Bust: Medium
One HOUR:100$
NIGHT: +30$
Sex services: Cum on breast, Cross Dressing, Uniforms, Moresomes, Role Play & Fantasy
The Purpose of this research is to determine the strategy of street prostitutes in getting customer and the way they interact and have relationships among prostitutes. The research methode to analyze the data in this study is using qualitative analysis. In urban areas, a problem that caused by society is a social problem.
The problems that arise because of the diversity of the communities in this urban areas. Whether it's the diversity of race, culture, religion and so forth, among these problems there is the problem of prostitution, the prostitute problems are like mushrooms in the rainy season. Prostitutes are selling sexual services, such as oral sex or sexual intercourse to get the money.
Pekanbaru is a crowded city with a lot of activities, although not included in big cities categories, but the capital city of riau is a bustling area with a bus main terminal, With so many crowded places in the downton of Pekanbaru, this is the places that many street prostitutes comes up every night. The majority age of street prostitutes in Pekanbaru is years old. Furthermore, the majority of street prostitutes is worked individually, with revenue of Rp , to Rp , per night.
There are so many strategies undertaken by the prostitutes to get customer, some of it is they wear sexy dress, scrubs, wearing wallet powder, herbal drinks, sports, flower bath and some of them also used implant. Interaction between them is very strong, both in terms of positive and negative terms. The majority of street prostitutes have another job during the day to look for additional money, in the evening they start to hung in the streets. The majority of street prostitutes is working as a street prostitute is for reasons of economic factor and uneducated factor.
Open Journal Systems. Journal Help. User Username Password Remember me. Notifications View Subscribe. Font Size. Abstract The Purpose of this research is to determine the strategy of street prostitutes in getting customer and the way they interact and have relationships among prostitutes. Keywords: prostitution, interaction, strategy. Full Text: PDF. Remember me.