WEIGHT: 49 kg
Bust: C
One HOUR:120$
NIGHT: +40$
Sex services: Face Sitting, Sauna / Bath Houses, Toys / Dildos, Bondage, Oral Without (at discretion)
Bogdan, Robert C. Pengantar Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif, Terj. Arief Furqan, Surabaya. Hawari, Dadang. Naturalistic Inquiry, in Michael J.
Hull, Terence dkk. View My Stats. Open Journal Systems. Article Tools Print this article. Indexing metadata. How to cite item. Finding References. Review policy. Email this article Login required. Email the author Login required. Journal Help. Notifications View Subscribe. Font Size. Current Issue. Abstract This study attempts to investigate the implementation of religious guidance for prostitute and its influence to Woman Social Institution Silih Asih in Palimanan, Cirebon.
The study used qualitative-naturalistic, research design with descriptive method. The data were collected through observation, interview, and document analysis.
Keywords Religious guidance; Prostitution; Social Institution. Full Text: PDF. References Mujib, Abdul. Tafsir, Ahmad. Junus, Mahmud. Kartono, Kartini. Psikologi Wanita, Bandung: Alumni. Meleong, Lexy J. Phenix, H.
Realms of Meaning, New York: Mc. Grow-Hill Book Company. Simanjuntak, R. Pengantar Psikologi Perkembangan, Bandung: Tarsito. UsageStatsLoader Speed: Depositor Speed: 0. CrossrefInfoSender Speed: 0. DataciteInfoSender Speed: 0. MedraInfoSender Speed: 0. ReviewReminder Speed: 0. SubscriptionExpiryReminder Speed: 0. OpenAccessNotification Speed: 0.