WEIGHT: 66 kg
Breast: Small
1 HOUR:30$
NIGHT: +60$
Sex services: Toys, Sauna / Bath Houses, Toys, Foot Worship, Massage classic
As it is taught: at eleven years and one day, her vows stick; at twelve years and one day her vows apply; and all twelve-year-olds are checked. But for males, at twelve years and one day his vows stick; at thirteen years they apply, and all thirteen-year-olds are checked.
Rabbi Yirmiya said in the name of Rabbi Shmuel bar Yitzchak: there are those that say the opposite, as the way of a woman is to sit in her home, and the way of a many is to go out to the marketplace and learn understanding from others. Rabbi Aybu said, and some attribute it to the name of Rabbi Benaya, and it is [also] taught in the name of Rabbi Shimon ben Yochai: [God] adorned her [Eve] like a bride, and afterwards brought her to him [Adam].
In some places they call 'kil'ata' [braids] 'bin'yata' [net-works]. Rabbi Hamma bar Chanina said: you think that she was brought to him under a carob or sycamore tree, rather she was adorned with twenty four kinds of finery, and then brought to him, as it says: "In Eden, the garden of God you were, and all precious stones were your covering: the carnelian, the topaz Rabbi Hamma bar Chanina and Rabbi Shimon ben Lakish both said: a general rule followed by a specific; follow the general rule by adding the specific, and it is all in the general rule - "every precious stone is your covering" is a general rule.
Follow the general rule - "every precious stone is your covering. The one who said ten is like the Rabbis, and the one who said nine argues that the "gold" mentioned in the verse surely does not refer to a canopy. Rabbi Acha bar Chanina said: he made walls of gold and coverings of precious stones and pearls. He said: I will not create her from the head, lest she be haughty; I will not create her from the eye, lest she be coquettish; I will not create her from the ear, lest she be an eavesdropper; I will not create her from the mouth, lest she be a chatter-box; I will not create her from the heart, lest she be jealous; I will not create her from the hand, lest she be a thief; I will not create her from the leg, lest she be a run-about; rather, I will create create her from the most modest place on a person, as even when a person stands naked this place is covered.
And as He created each and every limb of the woman, He would say to her: be a modest woman, be a modest woman! Nevertheless, "And they have disregarded all of my counsel" Proverbs I did not create her from the head, and yet she is haughty, as it says: "And they walk with stretched-forth necks" Isaiah And not from the eye, yet she is coquettish, as it says: "and with wanton eyes" ibid.