WEIGHT: 54 kg
1 HOUR:70$
NIGHT: +90$
Services: Role Play & Fantasy, Domination (giving), Humiliation (giving), Sauna / Bath Houses, Parties
This post on the best cities to meet girls in Indonesia will hopefully help foreign men plan a trip to this country, and succeed while they are here. So many guys are traveling all over Southeast Asia these days because the word on the easy girls is out. While we will be talking about the best cities to visit we will also cover the sexy Indonesian girls themselves, and give all sorts of travel while sharing thoughts about the country throughout the post.
We have seen some guys saying they are afraid to come here because it is a Muslim country, but that is a complete non-issue. The people here could not be any more friendly or peaceful and you have nothing to worry about when it comes to safety. All over Southeast Asia you are safe, and that includes here. With that said try to avoid Ramadan when the nightlife will be non-existent and all the girls will be busy with their families.
If you are new to this country but have traveled around the region before then expect things to be more similar to the Philippines than the other spots. The Indonesian girls look similar to Filipinas , the streets have the same rugged look, and the giant shopping malls are like palaces amidst the chaos. We will be listing the nicest areas in each city, we suggest you try to get an AirBnb or hotel in those parts of town. Last bit of travel advice, download GoJek which is like Uber but offers even more.
We have actually covered dating them in depth here , but will give a quick recap now. Expect almost all of the girls here are extremely traditional, by that we mean prude. The good news is that the girls who do like foreign men are known as bule hunters and they really like them, and if these girls are sexually active your work is basically done.
More good news, the sexy Indonesian girls who are out at midnight drinking and dancing are probably not going to be the traditional and prude type. Some will be, but the percentages of slutty girls is going to go way up.