WEIGHT: 63 kg
Bust: E
1 HOUR:50$
NIGHT: +100$
Sex services: Sex vaginal, Anal Play, Massage erotic, Food Sex, Strap On
If you are looking for a traditional brothel, where you are introduced to a line-up of ladies and led away one of many rooms, you will find that things work differently in HK. In this guide, we will look at the closest thing to Hong Kong brothels, as well as the type of sexual services offered at other adult establishments around Hong Kong Island and Kowloon.
Hong Kong law does not allow more than one prostitute to provide sexual services in the same premises. In this environment, a prostitute operates in an apartment that only she has access to. She will advertise in one of two ways: either online and in print advertisements commonly found in local newspapers , or by virtue of her location. Inevitably, many prostitution rings and the triads have found an easy way to circumvent the lack of legal brothel licensing.
One of the most famous Hong Kong brothels β or rather, collection of brothels β is the Fuji Building located at Lockhart Road in Bowrington. It is instantly recognisable for its pink painted exterior against a backdrop of grey. The block towers up by 22 floors and 18 of them are devoted entirely to one-woman brothels. In total, over prostitutes ply their trade in the Fuji Building, each taking clients in to small bedsits that are marked as separate units by the following criteria:.
So long as this criteria is met, the brothel is completely legal for both the escort and her clients. As you can see, the women in these brothels are under no illusion over what a knock on the door means.
The Fuji Building brothels operate somewhat like the red light district of Amsterdam, except in a tower block, and with front doors instead of glass windows. To help clients choose, the ladies will sometimes place their own sexy photos on the front door, thus leaving absolutely no doubt about the type of encounter to be expected insideβ¦.