WEIGHT: 63 kg
Bust: 36
One HOUR:40$
Overnight: +40$
Services: Strap-ons, Face Sitting, Cross Dressing, Fetish, TOY PLAY
Assisting someone to engage in prostitution, which includes, but is not limited to, soliciting patrons and providing the premises for prostitution, are also prohibited by Alabama law. Being charged with prostitution and its related offenses can be a sensitive matter that, if made public, can significantly impact your life and the lives of your family. If you have been arrested and charged with prostitution or a related offense in Birmingham, you need the assistance of a skilled and discreet prostitution attorney in Birmingham that can protect your interests while defending your criminal case.
There is no requirement that the actual sexual act or conduct that was bargained for be committed for an individual to be charged with prostitution.
There are three classifications for the charge of promoting prostitution, which are dictated by the seriousness of the offense. Talk to a Birmingham prostitution lawyer for more information. Promoting prostitution in the first degree includes individuals that are charged with profiting from the prostitution of a person under the age of 16 and those that advanced prostitution using force or intimidation.
Promoting prostitution in the second degree is a Class C felony, and this charge is reserved for individuals that profit from the prostitution of a person under the age of 18 and those involved in a prostitution enterprise. A prostitution enterprise includes those that own, supervise, or control prostitution houses or businesses involving three or more prostitutes. Promoting prostitution in the first degree is a Class A misdemeanor. This is applicable to anyone that is involved in promoting prostitution in Alabama that is not covered by the other classifications.
In addition to the laws that are applicable in all of Alabama, the Alabama Constitution was amended to specifically to address those in the hospitality industry that may assist someone that is engaged in prostitution in Jefferson County, which encompasses Birmingham. It is unlawful for bellhops, elevator operators, desk clerks, and other employees of hotels, motels, inns, or any other lodging place to direct any person to the room of any guest or occupant or to carry notes or message to a guest or occupant in furtherance of unlawful sexual misconduct or prostitution.