WEIGHT: 63 kg
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NIGHT: +60$
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Search Serendip. Serendip is an independent site partnering with faculty at multiple colleges and universities around the world. Happy exploring! This web paper will deal with more current notions of female inequality as well as resistance in Korea, pertaining to the Korean Music industry. Many people took different sides. Those who were attacking her said that she should have refused to wear them; they are too exposing and gave the wrong impression of her to her fans.
Most were not concerned with the debate of whether they were too short or not. They were supporting Tiffany because she looked good in the shorts and they were bashing Tiffany because her short shorts made her a slut. The teacher tries different techniques to dissuade this type of thinking such as comparing the decision to wear hot pants and the decision to wear a hat; though this oversimplifies things a bit, they are both equally valid options of clothing to wear if one wishes to, but they did not see it that way.
But often times, there are some people on forums who will bring up the clear double standard between what female and male idols are able to get away with. Take for example, Park Jin-Young. Though he is the owner of this record label, he tends to join in and makes music videos from time to time as well as acts. After watching this video, I was angry at the way that women were portrayed.
The rest of the women in the video are either standing around as eye candy while Jin-Young dances, or fondling him while he sits. How is purposefully objectifying women in your own music video like Jin-Young and companies giving revealing costumes for their artists like Tiffany affecting Korean society today and most importantly, how are feminist dealing with these issues and fighting back?
In efforts to combat this type of prejudice against women wearing particular clothing, recently Seoul, Korea hosted their first ever SlutWalk in front of Korea University. They protested specifically about the sexual assault made on a female colleague at the University by three male medical students. The protestors spoke the words that have been carried through Chicago, Edinburgh, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, London and Sydney since the SlutWalk started on April 3rd: that women should be able to wear what they want and not have to fear they will be sexually assaulted because of it.