WEIGHT: 54 kg
One HOUR:40$
Overnight: +100$
Services: Travel Companion, Massage professional, Soft domination, Cum on breast, Games
Glosbe English. Cookies help us deliver our services. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. Got it. English Pashto. English - Pashto. Prosody prosperity prosperous prosperousness prosperousness, success, good fortune, ease, plenty, affluence, wealth, riches, the good life, luxury, life of luxury successfulness, Prostitute protect protection protection point protectionism protector protein proteinuria Protest Protester protestor.
A person who performs sexual activity for payment. A person who is perceived as engaging in sexual activity with many people.
A person who does, or offers to do, an activity for money, despite personal dislike or dishonour. A person who performs sexual activity for payment, especially a woman.
To perform sexual activity for money. To make another person, or organisation, prostitute themselves. To use one's talents in return for money or fame. To exploit for base purposes; to whore. A woman who sells sexual services for money.
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