WEIGHT: 65 kg
Bust: 38
One HOUR:100$
Overnight: +60$
Services: Moresomes, Role playing, Deep throating, Tie & Tease, French Kissing
Contact Admin. While go go bars are prime areas to find Thai hookers, the real fact is that there are many types of working girls in Bangkok. Many Thai prostitutes work full time and part time that you can pay to have sex with. Without the need to step foot inside a go go bar. And they are not just confined to the red light districts we know about. Thai ladies working in the pay for play scene go wherever the money trail is. Which is central Bangkok.
Where sex tourists around the world stay in the red light districts. Those are the primary areas for Thai freelancers working the streets.
Finding prostitutes in Bangkok is easier today than it was back when I was first here. Which is why most sex tourists today have it so much easier in the red light districts in Bangkok. There are places where guys can find full service quickie sex for as little as THB for 30 minutes inside a massage parlor. And Bangkok is a very tourist friendly city with plenty of English signs clearly marking destinations.
Though prostitution is not only confined to areas where foreigners mainly visit. It is a part of Thai culture and has been for the longest time. And technically the sale of sex is illegal.
But because prostitution has been integrated into Thai society for so many years it is tolerated and even regulated. I live just a little bit off from Sukhumvit where very few foreigners live. And there are certain spots where street prostitutes hang around. And their customers are mainly if not all local Thai men.