WEIGHT: 61 kg
Breast: DD
1 HOUR:100$
NIGHT: +50$
Sex services: Facials, Dinner Dates, Spanking, Hand Relief, Massage prostate
According to the incomplete statistics composed on the basis of nationwide crackdowns, the rate of prostitution in China has been rising every year since Over the past decade, there has been a recognition that the majority of women who enter prostitution do so of their own accord.
The state-controlled media have focused attention on urban residents engaging in prostitution, especially university-educated women. In a study, Many local officials believe that encouraging prostitution in recreational business operations will bring economic benefits by developing the tourism and hospitality industries and generating a significant source of tax revenue.
Pan Suiming contends that China has a specific type of prostitution that entails a bargain between those who use their power and authority in government to obtain sex and those who use sex to obtain privileges. Organised crime rings are increasingly trafficking women into and out of China for the sex trade, sometimes forcibly and after multiple acts of rape. Other interventions have been introduced recently at some sites, including STI services, peer education and voluntary counselling and testing for HIV.
If they fall behind in their payments, the photos together with the contact information are sold online to potential customers of prostitution or human traffickers. The women are then moved to cities farther away to subjected to forced prostitution in brothels or through internet sex sites, or compelled service as hostesses in nightclubs or karaoke bars.
Others offer jobs but subsequently force the women into prostitution. North Korean authorities keep such repatriates in penal labour colonies, execute any Chinese-fathered babies of theirs "to protect North Korean pure blood " and force abortions on all pregnant repatriates not executed.