WEIGHT: 46 kg
Bust: AA
1 HOUR:140$
Overnight: +90$
Services: Domination (giving), Anal Play, Travel Companion, Role Play & Fantasy, Toys / Dildos
About Maggie's Maggie's is the first sex-worker-run education project in Canada. Maggie's was founded in and is an incorporated Ontario non-profit charitable organization, registered for tax exemption status with Revenue Canada. Maggie's, the only organization of its kind in Canada, has been a model for sex worker peer-education projects, internationally.
Maggie's membership is open to sex workers who support the group's goals. Maggie's offers non-voting membership for non-sex workers too.
These healthy tips have since been reproduced by service agencies all over Canada! Written and produced but never printed under the auspices of Maggie's, this project took the better part of four years! See too How Trials was made Trials is also available here in PDF. One of the first pieces published from Trials of the Sex Trade , this card outlines your rights when you are being interrogated or arrested.
This republished version is from the Sex Workers Alliance of Vancouver. Make your own! Print " copcard. Paste legal service numbers from your area over the Vancouver information. Copy double-sided on baby-blue card stock, trim and fold. Wanna be a Movie Star? It may be more than you bargained for This card was first published in by Maggie's, in response to a series of busts under Canada's then new "kiddie" porn law on the boystown stroll.
The card was republished again in by the SWAV after hustlers had been interrogated by police about a Burnaby Elementary school principal accused of making "child pornography. Print " moviestar. Copy double-sided on pastel yellow card stock.