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Updated: December 9, am. An year-old Butte man pleaded not guilty Wednesday to a felony charge alleging he had sex with an underage girl at a residence last month. Trey Daniel Bennett told police he and the year-old girl had sex regularly, but she said he forced himself on her twice on Oct. Regardless, prosecutors say, the girl was too young to consent to sex so they charged Bennett with sexual intercourse without consent. Bennett is free on bond and after accepting the not-guilty plea, District Judge Robert Whelan set the next hearing for Dec.
The girl says Bennett pinned her down and had sex with her one night even though she repeatedly told him no. He forced himself on her the second night, she said, but she was able to fight him off after a short time. The girl was examined at St. Mike Smith is a reporter at the Montana Standard with an emphasis on government and politics. Log In. Keep it Clean. Please avoid obscene, vulgar, lewd, racist or sexually-oriented language.
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