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Superfamily is undergoing a server migration - you are now browsing on the new server. Please contact us if you experience any problems. Enzyme Commission EC. Zebrafish Anatomy ZA. The fold of the UBA domain consists of a compact three-helical bundle with a right-handed twist, and have a conserved hydrophobic surface patch for protein-protein interactions. Browse genome assignments for this superfamily. Alignments of sequences to 45 models in this superfamily are available by clicking on the 'Alignments' icon above.
Select PDB sequences, genome sequences, or paste in or upload your own sequences. Browse and view proteins in genomes which have different domain combinations including a UBA-like domain. Examine the distribution of domain superfamilies, or families, across the major taxonomic kingdoms or genomes within a kingdom. This gives an immediate impression of how superfamilies, or families, are restricted to certain kingdoms of life.
Explore domain occurrence network where nodes represent genomes and edges are domain architectures shared between genomes containing the superfamily of interest. There are 45 hidden Markov models representing the UBA-like superfamily. Annotation direct or inherited. Q neuroblast lineage migration variant. INHERITED FROM : adult lethal Q neuroblast lineage migration variant protein aggregation variant neuron migration variant protein protein interaction variant organism development variant fertility reduced hermaphrodite fertility variant embryonic development variant reproductive system physiology variant embryonic lethal organ system physiology variant lethal development variant fertility variant.
N-acetylmuramic acid 6-phosphate etherase. Acting on ATP; involved in cellular and subcellular movement. PDB entries Ligand binding statistics Nucleic-acid binding statistics Occurrence of secondary structure elements Occurrence of small 3D structural motifs.
Please cite: Gough, J. Please send feedback, comments or questions to superfamily mrc-lmb.