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Springer Professional. Back to the search result list. Table of Contents. Making Sense of Publi Hint Swipe to navigate through the chapters of this book Close hint. Abstract The range of austerity measures implemented in the UK following the Global Financial Crisis of has been accompanied by, and justified through, emotive and stigmatising discourses that recast blame on those suffering the greatest inequalities Clayton et al.
Most notably, as part of this shift in attitudes, poverty has been recast as the moral failure of the individual rather than the result of structural inequalities Slater ; Valentine and Harris ; Wacquant To experience poverty, therefore, is to occupy a stigmatised social position Ridge ; Ridge ; Sutton that people seek to distance and differentiate themselves from Shildrick and MacDonald Please log in to get access to this content Log in Register for free.
To get access to this content you need the following product:. Springer Professional "Wirtschaft" Online-Abonnement. This allowance helped young people to attend further post education and was found to be particularly successful in getting young people from the poorest families to stay on in education Chowdry and Emmerson Which includes the under-occupancy housing penalty also known as the bedroom tax.
Constructing the neoliberal sexual actor: Responsibility and care of the self in the discourse of barebackers. CrossRef Adam, B. The Cultural Politics of Emotions. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Ahmed, S. Stigma and the ethics of public health: Not can we but should we. CrossRef Bayer, R. The Independent [online]. Accessed 6 June Brown, J. CrossRef Burris, S. Accessed 12 Mar Cabinet Office. Accessed 12 Mar An Efficient Maintenance Allowance? London: Institute for Fiscal Studies.
Chowdry, H. The social construction of help among Danish children: The intentional act and the actual content. CrossRef Christensen, P. Donovan, and J. Emotions of austerity: Care and commitment in public service delivery in the North East of England. Emotion, Space and Society 24β CrossRef Clayton, J. The politics of disgust and shame. The Journal of Ethics β CrossRef Deigh, J.