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Two issues of Adam to shareβone from Australia and one from the U. These magazines have no relationship to each other apart from coincidentally sharing a name. Adam relies on photo covers rather than painted art, shows a dedication to cheesecake photography that far outstrips its Australian cousin, and also has less fiction.
We managed to put up more than forty scans, which makes this an ideal timewaster for a Monday. Vintage Pulp Mar 26 Caroselli chooses wisely for Italian book cover. Inspiration is everything. Always draw from the best. So did Playboy magazine, which made her its August Playmate of the Month. We doubt Denberg ever knew she was on this paperback, but we imagine she'd have been pleased with the result. See plenty more from Caroselli, including other pieces he painted for this particular book series, by clicking his keywords just below.
Hollywoodland Jul 22 Rumors of her demise were greatly exaggerated. We've featured the Canadian tabloid Midnight numerous times. This one appeared on newsstands today in On the cover readers get a headline referring to Robert F. Kennedy, who had been assassinated the previous month. His name is accompanied by a prediction that his killer, Jordanian nationalist Sirhan Sirhan, would in turn be assassinated.
It wasn't an outrageous predictionβduring the late s newsworthy figures were being dropped like three foot putts. Sirhan was never murdered, though, and he's still around today, languishing at Richard J.
Sirhan is an interesting character, but it's the story on Susan Denberg we're interested in today. She was generally regarded as one of the major sex symbols of her time, but she also became a drug addict. After making the film Frankenstein Created Woman Denberg returned to Europe and shunned the movie business. In fact, she kept such a low profile that for years sources incorrectly reported that she had died. Midnight journo John Wilson claims to have visited Denberg in a Vienna mental hospital near the beginning of her self-imposed exile, and his article is basically a recounting of his chat with her.