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Works on the Entire Chapter. Gives Lives of the popes. Tommasini , Rome, Extends to , and is the journal of an eye-witness. Also in Muratori. Burchard : Diarium sive rerum urbanarum commentarii , β , ed. Thuasne , 3 vols. Platina , b. Benham in Anc. No date. Stadt Rom.
Pastor , R. Ambrosius, etc. Papstthums , 2d ed. Thurston : The Holy Year of Jubilee. An Account of the Hist. Jubilee, London, The Histt. It is doubtful whether any period of history has been treated so thoroughly and satisfactorily by three contemporary historians. Pastor and Gregorovius have used new documents discovered by themselves in the archives of Mantua, Milan, Modena, Florence, the Vatican, etc.
Creighton is judicial but inclined to be too moderate in his estimate of the vices of the popes, and in details not always reliable. He is unsparing in his reprobation of the dissoluteness of Roman society and backs his statements with authorities. Although written with ultramontane prepossessions, it is often unsparing when it deals with the corruption of popes and cardinals, especially Alexander VI. Nicholas V. For the Fall of Constantinople.
Findlay : Hist. Pius II. Cugnoni , Rome, Last ed. Rome, Also in opera , Basel, Rede mit bisher ungedruckten Briefen , Graz, Enea Silvio vor d. Haller in Quellen u. Forschungen aus ital. Archiven , etc. Best ed. Hase : Aen. Piccolomini , in Rosenvorlesungen , pp.
Brockhaus : Gregor von Heimburg , Leipzig, Paul II. Canensius of Viterbo, both in Muratori , new ed. Platina, from personal pique, disparaged Paul II. Sixtus IV. Infessura is severe on Sixtus IV. Volterra, who received an office from Sixtus, does not pronounce a formal judgment. Sigismondo, who was advanced by Sixtus, is partial to him. Roscoe : Life of Lorenzo the Magnificent , 2 vols. A lexander VI.