WEIGHT: 58 kg
1 HOUR:70$
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Please white-list or disable AboveTopSecret. Thank you. Some features of ATS will be disabled while you continue to use an ad-blocker. Anyway, the good quantity and quality of the information available, forced me to share it. Just think about it, pilot and co-pilot abducted in the middle of a race, vehicle included.
I won't even look if it's been posted already. Carlos Acevedo was at the wheel of the Citroen. Suddenly he observed a very powerful light that was reflected in the rearview mirror of his car. It was a dense light, a yellowish tint.
At first it was distinguished only as a point on the mirror, but its size increased visibly. The 2 men then lost track of time. Suddenly they felt a jolt and noticed that the car was back on earth. Just then the yellow light became less intense and gradually I could see around me, I saw the board, the hood of the car.
I looked out the window and saw the ground, we were on the shoulder of the wrong way on the left of the road, completely arrested. Suddenly the light left the cabin and noticed that retreating westward. The light was something like a cone of yellow light, but came to a point but was truncated.